Migraine headaches don’t always need to be treated with painkillers. Occasionally try unusual ways to get rid of migraines, such as exercise. Examine a calibration, some types of exercises are effective enough to relieve migraine pain. What are some examples?

types of migraines

Migraine is a neurological or nervous system disorder that has several subtypes. Each of these subtypes causes different symptoms. The following is a classification, types or types of migraines that are common:

  1. Migraine with aura

This type is characterized by an aura that represents a sensory warning just before or during an attack, e.g. B. when you see flashes of light or dots on the viewed object. Migraine aura can also include tingling or numbness on one side of the face, arm, or leg and difficulty speaking.

  1. Migraine without aura

This condition is characterized by a headache that comes on suddenly without any particular warning. This is the most common type.

  1. Migraine aura without a headache

Also known as a silent migraine, this type occurs when an aura or other symptoms appear but the headache does not develop.

  1. Chronic migraines

If you have frequent, persistent headaches for more than 15 days a month for three months, you may have chronic migraines. This condition is more severe than normal or episodic migraines, which only occur less than 15 days a month.

Migraine headaches, both right and left, can have other effects or effects that are dangerous to your health. Some health risks that can result from frequent migraines are stroke, heart attack, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety disorders, or epilepsy.

  1. Abdominal migraine

Abdominal migraine is a condition often experienced by children. This type is characterized by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting that can interfere with normal activities.

  1. Retinal migraine

Retinal migraines are the type that causes vision loss that can last from a minute to months. This is a special type of aura that accompanies a migraine attack and is generally a sign of a more serious problem.

  1. Hemiplegic migraine

This type is usually characterized by weakness on one side of the body and is often accompanied by visual aura symptoms and tingling or numbness. However, these symptoms may not include a severe headache.


Migraine Prevention

The main way to prevent migraines is to avoid various triggers that can cause attacks and symptoms to come back, such as stress, certain foods, and so on. In addition to avoiding these things, you must take some of the following measures to prevent this disease from occurring:

  1. Exercise regularly and regularly.
  2. Don’t skip meals and eat a healthy diet, including limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption.
  3. Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water.
  4. Manage stress.
  5. Adequate and regular sleep.
  6. Taking medication for migraine prevention prescribed by a doctor, such as B. Anticonvulsants or blood pressure medications, especially if they are in a serious condition.


Different types of exercises to relieve migraines

When a migraine hits, exercise is probably the last thing on your mind. Exercise can help relieve migraines in many ways. Here are some types of exercises to do during a migraine.


  1. Aerobic/cardio exercise

With the launch of The Migraine Trust site, light aerobic exercise is the right choice to get rid of stubborn migraines. Because the motion of aerobic exercise flexes your neck and back and trains you to breathe more regularly.

Migraines can limit your activities. So, first, choose the aerobic exercise that is easy to perform. For example, walking, swimming, jogging, or cycling. Do it regularly for 6 weeks and see if migraine symptoms decrease.

  1. Yoga

Yoga can tone the body, provide rest, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and relieve pain.

All of these benefits help the body recover from conditions that cause stress, including migraines. Many poses in this sport are considered very effective in getting rid of migraines. Poses include Child Pose, Bridge Pose, Downward Dog, and Corpse Pose.


  1. Strength training (strength/resistance training)

The benefits of strength training aren’t just limited to building big muscles. This exercise can also relieve migraines by strengthening the neck, back, and shoulder muscles. The muscles in this area are often tense from sitting for too long.

In addition, strength training can also improve blood circulation and train you to breathe effectively. In this way, the brain is always sufficiently supplied with oxygen, so that migraine symptoms can be reduced.


  1. Head, neck, and shoulder stretch

Light exercise like stretching is very effective for relieving migraines caused by stiff and tight neck muscles. Here are some examples of stretches you can do.

  1. Rotate shoulders back while bringing shoulder blades together.
  2. Lower your head until your eyes are on the floor, then rotate your head in a circle until you reach the starting position.
  3. Spread your arms out to your sides, then bend your elbows and hold your ears. In this position, move your shoulders so that the shoulder blades are close together.
  4. Look to the right until you can look back. Then lower your chin near your shoulders. Repeat on the left side.
  5. Extend both hands as if you are about to hug them, then place both hands together and interlace your fingers. After that, keep your head down for a few seconds.
  6. Exercise not only makes you fit but can also relieve pain-related symptoms such as migraines. However, make sure you choose a relatively light exercise, as the body’s ability to perform will certainly diminish when you have a migraine.

Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Don’t forget to rest and drink more water. If the migraines get worse, take a break and try to see a doctor.