Every pack of cigarettes comes with a warning that smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, impotence, pregnancy, and fetal disorders. Despite this, there are still many people who ignore the warning and continue to smoke. He said life without cigarettes is like vegetables without salt, tasteless. Even if the dangers of smoking itself do a lot of financial, health, and environmental damage (it can be said that it brings almost no benefit at all).
Nicotine, an addictive substance causes cigarette opium
Every cigarette contains an addictive substance called nicotine. This substance is an organic chemical compound from the alkaloid group, which is commonly produced by various plant species such as tobacco and tomatoes. In tobacco, the nicotine concentration is usually around 5% per 100 grams. A cigarette usually contains 8-20 mg of nicotine (depending on the cigarette brand). For a smoker, that means you inhale 1 milligram of nicotine per stick. This substance causes a person to continue consuming cigarettes because nicotine, even in low concentrations, can be addictive.
How does nicotine get into the body?
Nicotine can be absorbed into the body via the skin, lungs, and mucous membranes (mucous membranes such as the mouth or nose). Nicotine is absorbed and then mixes with the circulatory system and then circulates throughout the body. Nicotine quickly reaches the brain and reacts with brain cells to create a feeling of well-being. For a smoker, after the first inhalation, it takes 5-15 seconds for the nicotine to react with the body. When smoking, about 0.031 mg of nicotine remains in the human body. Nicotine left in the body has carcinogenic properties that inhibit the body’s ability to fight cancer cells but do not cause healthy cells to develop into cancer cells.
The effect of nicotine on the human body
Nicotine causes the body to release the hormone epinephrine/adrenaline, which activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing breathing to become faster and shallower, heart rate to increase, and blood pressure to rise. Nicotine causes sensitivity and resistance to insulin, an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Linked to insulin resistance, nicotine affects the body’s metabolism of glucose, causing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Insulin resistance not only increases the risk of developing type II diabetes but also heart disease.
The most common symptom of nicotine poisoning is vomiting, which can be felt about 15 minutes after consumption. In addition, nicotine can also cause spasms and involuntary muscle contractions, abnormal heart rhythms, slow heart rate, and fluctuating blood pressure. While poisoning in high amounts can cause death in less than 1 hour. It is caused by heart failure, muscle paralysis, and fluid buildup in the airways and lungs.
In other words, when you decide to quit smoking, you stop the absorption of nicotine and other toxins into the body. In this way, the body will try to get back to how it was when you weren’t smoking. In this process, there will be some discomfort that you will feel when you decide to quit smoking. Here are some of the effects of quitting smoking:
1. Depression
Usually, forcing yourself to change a habit has the frustrating effect of making you feel like it’s difficult to do. Because smoking is both a habit and an addiction that must be stopped (including violently), physical and mental reactions that are not used to it will result in the condition becoming chaotic. In such conditions, the best bet is to put yourself in a positive environment (that will support you in quitting smoking).
2. Difficult to regulate emotions
When you decide to quit and your body isn’t used to it, you have to fight yourself to strengthen your resolve. At such times, the body has a hard time regulating emotions and tends to have a hard time containing anger.
3. Not feeling well
Getting rid of opiates is indeed difficult due to the nicotine absorbed through cigarettes. The body is used to absorbing these addictive substances. During smoking, the dangers of nicotine inhibit the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. If you decide to quit, your body will gradually get used to the way it was when there was no nicotine. Disposing of the body causes discomfort in the body itself.
4. Hunger is increasing
As a result of the loss of toxins in the body, there is an effect in the form of increased hunger along with increased appetite. You must be able to control yourself to continue eating healthy foods.
5. Intestinal diseases
The effects that occur are, for example, the cause of stomach cramps, nausea, and flatulence.
6. Nose and throat problems
Symptoms such as cough, dry throat, and dry mouth may appear during smoking cessation. This is caused by the nose and throat trying to get rid of the mucus that builds up when you smoke.
7. Legs and hands are shaking
This incident is similar to people who are addicted to drugs. You will also feel your body in cold sweats and a strong urge to smoke. In such a state, you need to strengthen your mentality and determination so that you do not lose in such a situation.
8. Lack of sleep
It is not uncommon for sleep disorders to occur during the smoking cessation process, which can be caused by depression or other physical problems.
9. Circulatory disorders
You may experience frequent headaches, stiffness, or even tingling in your toes and hands.
10. Have skin problems
Acne, tongue, or mouth problems are issues that are likely to arise during the transition process.
Quitting smoking is not easy. It takes willpower, confidence, and strong determination to be able to do this. In this case, you can start slowly, for example by reducing the number of cigarettes. To be safe, you have to do it consistently. Eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water will help you. Remember, nothing is impossible as long as you keep trying and keep trying.