A calorie-deficit diet is a way to lose weight by reducing the number of calories that enter the body. Nutritionists recommend this type of diet as it assumes a balanced diet. The weight loss program has been among the most popular among people. No wonder, then, that many innovations continue to be developed, one of which is the calorie deficit. A calorie-deficit diet is credited with its benefits, as it not only aids in weight loss but also has a beneficial effect on the body.

Deficit calories

What is a calorie deficit?

An ideal body weight offers many advantages. Starting with reducing the risk of various diseases, being easy to carry during activities, not easy to get tired and out of breath, to helping you maximize your appearance. A calorie deficit is one diet program that claims to be the best solution. Experts say that this calorie deficit program changes body shape and improves daily lifestyle.

Without realizing it, you often consume more calories than your body needs daily. This excess is then stored and stacked to serve as an energy reserve. However, if this is not controlled, the accumulation of calories will cause the body to suffer the risk of obesity. How, then, to use those excess calories? The answer is a calorie deficit diet.

This program requires you to reduce your calorie intake, which should be less than your body’s daily needs. When the calories you consume are used up for the activity, the body automatically uses reserve calories to continue activities generally so that the initial calories are burned slowly and utilized by the body.


calorie deficit diets

A calorie deficit method diet program must be conducted based on accurate calculations. It keeps the body from nutrient deficiencies and becoming susceptible to disease. Here are the procedures for a proper calorie-deficit diet program.


Know your daily calorie needs

Knowing your daily calorie needs will help you determine the percentage to eliminate. This calculation can already be done with digital applications and online sites. All you have to do is enter data in the form of age, gender, current weight and what types of physical activities are generally practised.

Expert-agreed data shows that the general requirement for men is around 1500 calories, while for women’s is about 1200 calories. Implementing a calorie deficit generally recommends reducing intake to 500 calories per day. Calculating your daily calorie needs would be best to avoid malnutrition in your body. Some symptoms you may experience when suffering from this disorder are weakness, lack of energy, paleness, the body is not strong enough for physical activity, dehydration and anaemia.


Determine your ideal body weight goal

Determining the ideal weight goal is essential in guiding the implementation of your diet program. So that you have clear goals and limits, it makes it easier to see how far the diet has progressed. With this, it becomes easier to determine when to stop and how long to continue the diet.

You can calculate ideal body weight using two methods, namely the Bocra formula and the Body Mass Index formula. Don’t worry; these two calculations are also easily accessible via mobile and online.


Limit carbohydrates and fats

Deficit calories can also be achieved by limiting carbohydrates and fats and replacing them with protein consumption. Protein serves as a potent building material. Its presence will boost the process of burning calories in the body. Also, as a relaxant, helping the body to recover and get fit again. To make it easier for the body to digest and burn calories, it is recommended to replace rice with a carbohydrate type easily digested by the body, such as wheat and oats.


Keep the body well hydrated.

The next factor determining a calorie deficit’s success is the body’s fluid balance. Therefore, it is recommended to meet your fluid needs regularly. A dehydrated body cannot burn calories optimally.

Maintaining body fluid levels must also be accompanied by minimizing carbonated and alcoholic beverages because these two drinks contain many calories. Your diet could fail because of a can of Coke.


Eat healthy snacks

For those who enjoy snacking, being in a calorie deficit can be a challenge. But don’t worry because you can still actively snack when you switch to healthy snacking—starting with nuts and fruits. In addition to limiting carbohydrate intake, nuts and fruits can also be an alternative to fibre for the body.


Do sports regularly

To burn maximum calories, you can support it with regular exercise. In addition to accelerating the body’s metabolism, exercise is a guardian of fitness and endurance.


It is a complete discussion of dieting using a calorie deficit method. For those just starting this program, do it slowly and pay attention to your body’s response. The key to success is to eat consistently and not force your body to adapt.