You paid for a year’s gym membership in advance. They have also started following the keto diet trend to lose weight. But why are the results not visible?

Maybe it’s time you reflect on your mistakes. Here are 11 of the most common gym mistakes that will never get you fitter, leaner, and bigger.

Gym training mistakes that are often made

  1. You follow the way others train

If you’re not sure how to start or operate a device, find a trusted trainer to help you, and don’t follow other visitors. A qualified fitness trainer can design efficient and effective training patterns based on your needs to ensure you are on the right track.


  1. Disorganized posture

Many people don’t know how to use the different tools in the gym. Training through efficient movements is the most important aspect to maximize your training time.

Incorrect posture, for example, when lifting weights, not only risks injury by putting pressure on tendons, joints, and ligaments, but the results can be zero. If you find that you have weak hamstrings or inflexible hips that are preventing you from performing the movement properly, try strengthening those weak areas first.

A good fitness trainer can also help you find the right movement and posture during exercise to reduce the risk of injury.


  1. Your exercise sets and reps aren’t effective enough

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is training at too low an intensity but with too many repetitions. Instead, focus your training time on lifting weights with less force.

Try starting with sets of four to six or five to seven. This allows you to save time in the gym, but the muscle strength results seem much greater.

If you’re always stuck with high reps, it’s like focusing on just one muscle at a time. Instead, focus on a variety of movements that engage multiple muscles at once and mimic the way the body moves in real life, leading to better results. As a result, you forge more muscle fibers that stimulate muscle-building hormones to build more optimal body strength in less time.


  1. Her sporting principle is “die unwillingly, live unwillingly”

Half-hearted determination leads to half-measures. Many people tend to only do the types of exercises they enjoy or skip some because it’s difficult. For example, only running on a treadmill or an electric bike. If that’s the case, you won’t see the desired profit. Physical fitness is directly related to the maximum weight you can lift or move.

There are many ways to increase the intensity of your workout and get your heart rate up, such as: For example, adding cardio intervals, increasing weight, varying the equipment used, adding resistance, more explosive movements, training one side at a time, or combining multiple circuits. . . Better yet, combine cardio with resistance training to maximize calorie burn.


  1. Your training pattern is not balanced

If you’re not seeing the results you want, chances are you’re not training all muscle groups evenly. It’s important to develop “battle tactics” about which muscle groups you train on which days, to allow each muscle group to perform at its maximum while avoiding fatigue and the risk of overtraining.

Compound exercises (workouts that work for multiple muscle groups) are ideal, but some muscles can show their maximum potential if you focus on one at a time. Therefore, it’s also important to balance your training by incorporating a mix of the compound and isolated movements. Focus your workout time in the gym by comparing an isolation workout to two or three compound workouts.


  1. Going to the gym without a schedule

After getting tired of going to the gym twice a week yesterday, you decided to “get sick”. Or you don’t go to the gym because you’re bored of the same gym vibe and your favorite fitness trainer is on vacation. It’s natural to get bored with your exercise routine.

But don’t get carried away, you know! While it’s difficult to stay consistent, there are ways to push yourself and keep your workout motivation burning. Find what works best for you and make exercise a normal part of your daily life.

Or take the time to discover new classes or exercise types and take advantage of special member discounts on the free trial, borrow an exercise DVD from a friend at the gym to try at home when you’re lazy going out or occasionally try your other friend’s favorite sport.


  1. Insist on wanting to do things that are difficult

Starting an exercise without warming up or “moving up” to heavier weights too quickly are examples of the wrong approach to the gym and a high risk of injury.

To transition from lighter to heavier weights, remember this 2-2 rule: Don’t gain weight until you can do two or more reps that are more than your target number of reps for two consecutive exercises.

That means if your original goal was to lift 10 pounds for 12 reps, don’t switch to a heavier weight figure until you can easily do 15 reps in the next two workouts. Only then add a few pounds to the weight, which is more for the larger muscles.


  1. You only eat a few calories

Just as you want to be thin, you exercise vigorously and are rewarded for eating less. This is a completely wrong principle. It’s like your body is a car that’s almost out of gas. Of course, it won’t go too far. The same goes for your body.

A body that doesn’t eat enough has fewer stored calories. To be able to break down fat optimally, you need at least 500 calories in the body. If you don’t provide your body with enough calories before you exercise, your body will adapt by burning fewer calories to hold on to fat.

If muscle building is your goal, not eating enough calories will also negatively impact your dreams. This allows your body to focus more energy on important functions like breathing and regulating blood pressure, rather than building muscle.

Not eating enough also affects your strength levels. In the end, not eating enough can cost your recovery; Your body will use the protein you eat as the fuel for energy instead of repairing and rebuilding muscle. Eat a diet high in lean protein, plenty of vegetables, and healthy fats, and make sure you’re eating enough.


  1. Blind eating after going to the gym

After a particularly hard workout, many people want to take revenge on their hunger by eating something good right away – the calories that are taken in will make up for the loss, or worse, more. This can easily undo all your hard work during this time.

Amy Goodson, RD, a board-certified sports nutritionist with the Dallas Cowboys Sports Dietitian, recommends following her guidelines: Start by having a high-carb, high-protein post-workout snack within 45 minutes of your workout.

Chocolate milk or Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey work effectively as post-gym hunger suppressors. Or sip on a whey protein or pea protein shake. After that, move on to other snacks high in fiber and lean protein to help you feel fuller for longer.


  1. Long time in the gym

Extending gym time on the assumption that the longer you work out the better is the most common misconception. A good workout doesn’t have to last for hours. Also, you don’t get better while exercising; You’ll get better between workouts.

You need to rest to maximize the impact of your workout. Optimal nutrition and rest between training sessions is how you achieve optimal results. Keep the weight and number of sets aligned with your goal, but generally aim for only 12-15 reps and no more than 2-3 sets per workout. In addition, you spend wasted time in the gym.


  1. You don’t get enough rest

Fitness enthusiasts often face the dilemma of training too long and too much. In fact, not only can this defeat your original goal, but it can also pose a potential hazard. Rest is just as important as exercise.

Lack of rest increases the risk of injury as the body does not recover properly, and there is also a health risk from forcing the body to work beyond its tolerance limits. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, fatigue, decreased endurance and strength, and even death.

How much rest you need depends on your age, fitness level, and exercise volume. Aim to train each major muscle group two to three days a week, resting 48 hours between workouts, as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine.