The Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Association (PDPOTJI) distributes natural herbal preparations to reduce fevers and colds in children. This herb can be an alternative to medication for children. Especially after You phased out several syrup drugs due to the outbreak of mysterious cases of kidney failure in children, check out the full review on the following syrup medicine replacement for children.


Recommendations for substitutes for children’s syrup


In connection with the increasing cases of acute kidney failure in children, IDAI (Indonesian Pediatrician Association) has issued various appeals to health workers and the public regarding the use of this drug for children. One of these provides recommendations for baby syrup substitutes that You can use. This appeal was made while there was no clarity about the safety of using syrup drugs.

According to investigations by the Ministry of Health and the BPOM, the prescription of syrup medicines had to be stopped because there was a suspicion that they were contaminated with the compounds ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DG). Despite this, whether these two compounds cause kidney disease in children is still unknown. The Government is currently conducting further investigations together with related parties.


How to make herbal concoctions to replace syrup medicine for children

As a precaution and preventive measure, the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Developers (PDPOTJI) has participated in the distribution of several traditional medicine prescriptions that are safe for children.

This prescription can be another treatment option to replace syrup medicine for children. Because not all medicinal tablets can always be crushed and often even cause a bitter taste, children do not want to take medicine. Based on this, PDPOTJI then proposed or recommended two natural herbal ingredients that are safe for children as alternatives for fever reduction and cough and cold relief with a pleasant or non-bitter taste.

Furthermore, this concoction is made from cheap and readily available ingredients. Citing the findings of the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Developers (PDPOTJI) press release on Friday (10/21/2022), here is how it’s done.


  1. For children aged 1-12 years

Ingredient Name: Honey Onion Ginger Syrup

Dosage: 5 ml 3 times a day, before or after meals


  • 30 ml of pure honey,
  • one red onion, finely chopped,
  • one clove of garlic, finely chopped,
  • 10 grams of fresh ginger, finely chopped and
  • ½ lime, squeezed.

How to do:

  • Then add the chopped shallots, garlic and ginger to the bottle filled with honey

Add lime juice.

  • Cap the bottle, then shake/shake the bottle.
  • Leave at room temperature for 8 hours to form a syrup with a liquid consistency.
  • Strain and pour into a clean and dry medicine bottle.
  • Ready to consume at a dose of 1 teaspoon (5 ml) for a drink.
  • Store in the refrigerator and use within 2-3 days.

You can watch the demonstration of making the Honey Onion Ginger Syrup Recipe as a substitute for children’s syrup medicine at Dr. (Cand.) Dr. Inggrid Tania, M.Si as General President of PDPOTJI.


  1. For children aged six months to 1 year

Ingredient Name: Turmeric Milk

Dosage: 3 times a day, before or after meals


  • 1/8 – 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder (preferably organic turmeric powder) and
  • Breast milk or formula milk in the usual amount.

How to do:

  • Prepare breast milk/warm formula in a glass, add turmeric powder, then stir until smooth, and
  • Ready to drink.

You can see the preparation demonstration on the Doctor Herbal TV YouTube channel. You can consume the herbal ingredients mentioned above in healthy children daily to maintain health and strengthen the immune system.


You must know

It is not recommended to self-diagnose a health condition. Herbal remedies of Safe and better substitute ingredients for children’s syrup currently being taken or intended to be taken should be under the supervision of a knowledgeable and qualified practitioner or physician.


Are herbal preparations replacing syrup medicines safe for children?

Yes, the botanicals found in the above ingredients have been empirically proven safe and are highly recommended as a replacement for baby syrup. In addition, this herbal preparation reduces fever and relieves colds in children, with no side effects reported.

In addition, it is guaranteed to taste good to children because it is not bitter like powdered medicine. Several research results that have been conducted also confirm the safety of its use in children and their activities in the body, including:

  • as an antioxidant (free radical scavenger),
  • Immune modulator (immune booster),
  • anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory),
  • antipyretics (fever reducers),
  • antitussive (suppresses the cough reflex),
  • mucolytic (mucus thinning),
  • decongestants (remedies for nasal congestion) and
  • mild antiallergic in children.

However, consuming Safe and better substitute ingredients for children’s syrup, the herbal ingredients described above may be inconvenient for children who are allergic to any of the ingredients. However, cases of allergy to the herbal drug components mentioned above are sporadic. Therefore, parents must always consult a doctor or health worker before consuming any herbal ingredients of Safe and better substitute ingredients for children’s syrup in children.


Benefits of Safe and better substitute ingredients for children’s syrup

Pharmacists mix medicine at RSIA Tambak, Jakarta, Friday (10/21/2022). The Ministry of Health has asked health workers in health facilities to temporarily refrain from prescribing liquid/syrup medicines until the results of tracing and research on acute kidney disease in children are completed.

According to PDPOTJI, the botanical ingredients used in the above two components have been empirically proven to be safe and effective for reducing fevers and relieving coughs and colds in children, with no reports of side effects.

In addition, the non-bitter taste can be an alternative powder medicine that children do not like. Research results also confirm the safety of using these two ingredients in children and their activities:

  • Antioxidants (radical scavengers)
  • Immune modulator (immune booster)
  • anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)
  • Antipyretics (fever reducers)
  • Antitussive (suppresses the cough reflex)
  • mucolytic (mucus thinning)
  • decongestants (remedies for nasal congestion)
  • mild antiallergic in children.


Consumption of the above herbal ingredients of Safe and better substitute ingredients for children’s syrup may be contraindicated in children who are allergic to any of the ingredients. However, cases of allergy to the above herbal ingredients are sporadic. However, parents or guardians must consult a doctor or healthcare professional before administering herbal ingredients to children.