The health benefits of binahong leaves have long been known from generation to generation. No wonder many seek out and cultivate this herbal plant at home.
Actually, what are the benefits of binahong leaves, which are said to treat burns to lower cholesterol?
Contents of binahong leaves
The binahong leaf is a traditional medicinal plant that is credited with many health benefits.
This type of traditional medicine in the form of a symbol of love comes from China and is called Cheng San Chi.
Due to the active ingredient content, you can enjoy the health benefits of binahong leaves, namely:
– flavonoids,
– saponins,
– alkaloids,
– ethanol,
– polyphenols,
– tannins,
– Chinon, Dan
– steroids.
The bioactive content makes this plant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, and anti-microbial components.
Benefits of Binahong Leaves
With the Latin name Anredera cordifolia, this herbal medicine is believed to help treat various health conditions, including chronic diseases.
Below is a full explanation of the benefits of binahong leaves for alternative medicine or herbal therapy.
1. Acceleration of wound healing
Binahong leaves are often used to speed up wound healing.
This is supported by animal studies in the journal Veterinary World (2017), which are believed to have the same benefits in humans.
Binahong leaves are useful for burns because they contain saponins as antiseptics and anti-inflammatory flavonoids.
Both ingredients can prevent wounds from getting worse, allowing damaged skin tissue to heal faster.
2. Helps overcome high blood pressure
According to the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research (2021), binahong leaves can be used to treat high blood pressure.
The research tested on animals showed that the combination of binahong leaves and tempuyung leaves produced significant results in lowering blood pressure.
3. Helps in the treatment of diabetes
Flavonoid compounds, saponins, and alkaloids in binahong leaf work in ways that regulate blood sugar levels and are said to be similar to insulin.
As a result, binahong leaves may aid in the management of diabetes, as detailed in NVEO Journal (2021).
In addition, the content of antidiabetic saponins is not easily damaged by heating.
That is, the potency of binahong leaves is not lost when boiled for drinking water.
4. Herbal medicine for gout
Binahong leaves are traditionally used as a remedy for hyperuricemia, which is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.
A study in Science and Technology Publications (2018) explains that binahong leaves can significantly reduce uric acid levels in the animals tested.
This is certainly good news in research related to gout.
It is hoped that the results of this research can prompt further human testing.
5. Help treat tuberculosis
A study in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (2018) found the potential benefits of binahong leaves as a future treatment for tuberculosis.
Results showed that the two active ingredients in binahong extract (ursolic acid and oleanolic acid) could potentiate the effects of generic TB drugs.
The effectiveness of this drug can later fight the development of bacteria that cause resistant TB, namely bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
Side Effects of Binahong Leaves
It is important to understand that the various benefits of the binahong leaves mentioned above require further research.
Keep in mind that herbal remedies are not always safe, especially when used in excess and as the sole treatment.
Some of the most common side effects of binahong leaves of this herbal plant are:
– Stomach pain,
– nausea and vomiting,
– allergic reaction,
– palpitations,
– dizziness, and
– Diarrhea.
Although binahong leaves are said to treat burns, the side effects of binahong leaves on the face are not yet known.
For that, you still need to be careful before applying it directly to the skin.
Discontinue use immediately if you experience any of the above side effects.
Consult a doctor about your health condition and information about the benefits of binahong leaves.
how to use
There is no adequate research that establishes the rules for using or consuming this binahong leaf.
It is believed that the effectiveness of binahong leaves is achieved through various processing results of this medicinal plant.
For generations, these leaves have typically been processed simply by boiling the leaves or applying them directly to the skin.
The leaves are boiled to drink the juice once a day for a set time.
In addition, processing binahong leaves into extracts for capsules, tablets or other forms has its dosage and usage instructions depending on your condition.
To find out the benefits of binahong leaves and their health importance, do not hesitate to consult your trusted doctor.
What types of traditional medicine are there?
Different types of traditional medicines are commonly used to treat different health conditions. However, BPOM regroups OT into three groups based on the way it is used, the method of manufacture, and the method used to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Traditional medicine in Indonesia is generally divided into three areas, namely herbal medicine, standardized herbal medicine (OHT), and herbal medicine. What is the difference?
1. Herbs
Jammu is a traditional medicine made from plants that are processed in the form of soaking powder, pills, and liquids for direct drinking. In general, this traditional medicine is made according to ancient recipes. You can make your herbs at home from family medicinal plants (TOGA) or buy them from an herbal medicine vendor.
A type of herbal medicine can be made from a mixture of 5-10 plant species, maybe even more. Every part of the plant starting from the roots, stems, leaves, rind, fruit, and seeds can be used to make herbal medicine.
The best-known example is Jamu turmeric acid. Tamarind turmeric is believed to help relieve menstrual pain because turmeric contains curcumin, which reduces the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which causes muscle spasms in the uterus. In addition, this herbal medicine is also widely used as a remedy for pain and to remove body odor.
Examples of other common herbs are herbal medicine rice aromatic ginger and herbal medicine temulawak. The herbal rice aromatic ginger is prepared from a mixture of rice, aromatic ginger, tamarind, and brown sugar, which is often used to increase stamina and appetite. The herbal rice aromatic ginger can also overcome digestive problems, shortness of breath, colds, and headaches. Meanwhile, Temulawak herbal medicine also has the potential to treat osteoarthritis issues.
Based on the stipulations of the head of the BPOM, herbal medicine does not require scientific evidence pending clinical laboratory testing. A traditional herb can be called herbal medicine when its safety and effectiveness have been demonstrated based on centuries of direct human experience.
2. Standardized herbal medicine
Standardized herbal medicines are traditional medicines made from extracts or extracts of natural ingredients, which can be in the form of medicinal plants, animal extracts, or minerals.
Unlike herbal medicine, which is usually made by cooking, the way of making OHT already uses advanced and standardized technology. OHT manufacturers must ensure that the raw materials used and their extraction processes comply with BPOM standards. The workforce must also have qualified extract manufacturing skills and knowledge.
In addition, OHT products must also undergo pre-clinical testing in the laboratory to test drug efficacy, safety and toxicity before being traded.
An official commercial traditional medicine product is classified as OHT if it contains the logo and the words “STANDARD HERBAL MEDICINE” in the form of a circle with 3 pairs of leaf radii and is placed on the top left of the container, packaging, or brochure.
3. Phytopharmaceuticals
Phytopharmaceutical products, like OHT, are made from extracts or extracts of natural ingredients in the form of plants, animal juices, and minerals. The difference is that phytopharmaceuticals are a kind of natural remedy whose effectiveness and safety can be compared to modern medicine.
The production process is both technologically advanced and standardized like OHT, but phytopharmaceutical products have to go through another additional testing process. After going through the pre-clinical testing procedure, phytopharmaca OBA products must undergo direct human clinical trials to ensure their safety.
Traditional medicine can be marketed to the public if it has passed pre-clinical and clinical tests. Phytopharmaceutical products must also contain the logo and the words “FITOFARMAKA” in the form of a circle containing the leaf radius in the form of a star and placed on the top left of the container, packaging, or brochure.